



10-Habits to Improve and Maintain Your Mental Health

10-Habits to Improve and Maintain Your Mental Health

10-Habits to Improve and Maintain Your Mental Health

10-Habits to Improve and Maintain Your Mental Health

We all form habits…you know, those things we tend to do over and over again that become a pattern? Those habits shape our mindset, influence our mood and can determine how we feel each day. Some of these habits can be really helpful in maintaining and improving your mental health. On the flip side, some of these habits can be very detrimental to mental health. So, let’s focus on 10 habits you can integrate into your life that will not only help you maintain good mental health but improve it!

Get some sun

Vitamin D is essential to physical health, but did you know it plays a big role in mental health as well? Low vitamin D has been associated with depression, seasonal affective disorder and even more severe mental health disorders such as schizophrenia. Our bodies produce vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the sun, so make it a habit of getting out in the sun for at least 10 minutes a day.

Move your body

An exercise routine is one of the healthiest habits for both physical and mental health, but oftentimes it’s the first thing we stop doing when we’re busy or stressed. Exercise is a stress releaser and mood booster due to the endorphins released during your workout. To improve your mental health, you’ve got to get your body moving and releasing stress. Try doing a short yoga routine in the morning to get going and taking a 10-minute walk outside during lunch.  

Eat your fruits and vegetables

Just like getting enough sun and exercise will improve your mental health, so will getting adequate nutrients. Studies have shown that individuals who had a high intake of fruits and vegetables like berries, citrus and leafy greens had higher levels of optimism and self-efficacy. These foods protect against depressive symptoms and reduce levels of psychological distress. Incorporate veggies into each meal, throw a handful spinach into your morning smoothie and snack on fruits throughout the day as a way to boost your nutrient intake and your mental health. 


From the time we wake up, to the time we go to bed and even sometimes while we sleep, we’re using some sort of electronic like a phone, computer, or TV. These devices are amazing because we can use them for so much good like listening to music, connecting with friends or family, and learning new things but they can also be overstimulating for our brains. To preserve your mental health, you must find time to unplug from electronics and get good rest at night. Make sure you get off your phone an hour before bed and try journaling or reading a book instead.


Speaking of journaling…it’s a great way to maintain and improve your mental health. Journaling allows you to have a private outlet to vent all of your stressors, reflect on how you’re feeling or set goals for yourself. If you have pent up emotions, get it all out on paper! If you need some inspiration, there are several journal entry prompts you can find online to get you started.  

Laugh daily

Studies have shown that laughing releases endorphins into the body that relieve the symptoms of stress pretty quickly. These endorphins send signals to the body to calm the stress response and relax muscles, which almost instantly lift your mood. Reach out to a friend that puts a smile on your face, talk with.

Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude is about thinking deeply about the things in your life that bring you joy, give you meaning, and then showing appreciation for those things. Try to find one thing you’re grateful for each day, say it out loud or write it down and notice how this simple act can boost your mental health.  

Practice mindfulness

You might have heard of mindfulness recently because it’s become pretty popular in the mainstream…and for good reason! It works. Mindfulness can be described as “waking up from a life of automation and being sensitive to novelty in our everyday experiences.” Essentially, what this means is that you are becoming aware of your thoughts, surroundings and senses moment to moment without judgement. Make an effort to take things as they come each day, appreciate the good moments, and let go of things you’re hanging on to that bring you down.

Set boundaries

Maintain your own mental health by forming and enforcing boundaries that preserve your energy. Taking on too many projects can leave you feeling stretched too thin and without any time to take care of yourself. Learn to say no when you’ve reached your limit to avoid burnout.

Talk to a professional

If you’re struggling with your mental health, there is no need to suffer in silence. Reach out to a mental health professional who can help you explore the root of your challenges and teach you coping skills to reach your mental health goals. 

We all form habits…you know, those things we tend to do over and over again that become a pattern? Those habits shape our mindset, influence our mood and can determine how we feel each day. Some of these habits can be really helpful in maintaining and improving your mental health. On the flip side, some of these habits can be very detrimental to mental health. So, let’s focus on 10 habits you can integrate into your life that will not only help you maintain good mental health but improve it!

Get some sun

Vitamin D is essential to physical health, but did you know it plays a big role in mental health as well? Low vitamin D has been associated with depression, seasonal affective disorder and even more severe mental health disorders such as schizophrenia. Our bodies produce vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the sun, so make it a habit of getting out in the sun for at least 10 minutes a day.

Move your body

An exercise routine is one of the healthiest habits for both physical and mental health, but oftentimes it’s the first thing we stop doing when we’re busy or stressed. Exercise is a stress releaser and mood booster due to the endorphins released during your workout. To improve your mental health, you’ve got to get your body moving and releasing stress. Try doing a short yoga routine in the morning to get going and taking a 10-minute walk outside during lunch.  

Eat your fruits and vegetables

Just like getting enough sun and exercise will improve your mental health, so will getting adequate nutrients. Studies have shown that individuals who had a high intake of fruits and vegetables like berries, citrus and leafy greens had higher levels of optimism and self-efficacy. These foods protect against depressive symptoms and reduce levels of psychological distress. Incorporate veggies into each meal, throw a handful spinach into your morning smoothie and snack on fruits throughout the day as a way to boost your nutrient intake and your mental health. 


From the time we wake up, to the time we go to bed and even sometimes while we sleep, we’re using some sort of electronic like a phone, computer, or TV. These devices are amazing because we can use them for so much good like listening to music, connecting with friends or family, and learning new things but they can also be overstimulating for our brains. To preserve your mental health, you must find time to unplug from electronics and get good rest at night. Make sure you get off your phone an hour before bed and try journaling or reading a book instead.


Speaking of journaling…it’s a great way to maintain and improve your mental health. Journaling allows you to have a private outlet to vent all of your stressors, reflect on how you’re feeling or set goals for yourself. If you have pent up emotions, get it all out on paper! If you need some inspiration, there are several journal entry prompts you can find online to get you started.  

Laugh daily

Studies have shown that laughing releases endorphins into the body that relieve the symptoms of stress pretty quickly. These endorphins send signals to the body to calm the stress response and relax muscles, which almost instantly lift your mood. Reach out to a friend that puts a smile on your face, talk with.

Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude is about thinking deeply about the things in your life that bring you joy, give you meaning, and then showing appreciation for those things. Try to find one thing you’re grateful for each day, say it out loud or write it down and notice how this simple act can boost your mental health.  

Practice mindfulness

You might have heard of mindfulness recently because it’s become pretty popular in the mainstream…and for good reason! It works. Mindfulness can be described as “waking up from a life of automation and being sensitive to novelty in our everyday experiences.” Essentially, what this means is that you are becoming aware of your thoughts, surroundings and senses moment to moment without judgement. Make an effort to take things as they come each day, appreciate the good moments, and let go of things you’re hanging on to that bring you down.

Set boundaries

Maintain your own mental health by forming and enforcing boundaries that preserve your energy. Taking on too many projects can leave you feeling stretched too thin and without any time to take care of yourself. Learn to say no when you’ve reached your limit to avoid burnout.

Talk to a professional

If you’re struggling with your mental health, there is no need to suffer in silence. Reach out to a mental health professional who can help you explore the root of your challenges and teach you coping skills to reach your mental health goals. 

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